Example 1:
> printexpansion(roundcoefficients(taylor(exp(x),5,0),[|DD...|]));
0x3ff0000000000000 + x * (0x3ff0000000000000 + x * (0x3fe0000000000000 + x * ((0x3fc5555555555555 + 0x3c65555555555555) + x * ((0x3fa5555555555555 + 0x3c45555555555555) + x * (0x3f81111111111111 + 0x3c01111111111111)))))
Example 2:
> printexpansion(remez(exp(x),5,[-1;1]));
(0x3ff0002eec90e5a6 + 0x3c9ea6a6a0087757 + 0xb8eb3e644ef44998) + x * ((0x3ff00028358fd3ac + 0x3c8ffa7d96c95f7a + 0xb91da9809b13dd54 + 0x35c0000000000000) + x * ((0x3fdff2d7e6a9fea5 + 0x3c74460e4c0e4fe2 + 0x38fcd1b6b4e85bb0 + 0x3590000000000000) + x * ((0x3fc54d6733b4839e + 0x3c6654e4d8614a44 + 0xb905c7a26b66ea92 + 0xb598000000000000) + x * ((0x3fa66c209b7150a8 + 0x3c34b1bba8f78092 + 0xb8c75f6eb90dae02 + 0x3560000000000000) + x * (0x3f81e554242ab128 + 0xbc23e920a76e760c + 0x38c0589c2cae6caf + 0x3564000000000000)))))
Example 3:
> verbosity = 1!;
> prec = 3500!;
> printexpansion(pi);
(0x400921fb54442d18 + 0x3ca1a62633145c07 + 0xb92f1976b7ed8fbc + 0x35c4cf98e804177d + 0x32631d89cd9128a5 + 0x2ec0f31c6809bbdf + 0x2b5519b3cd3a431b + 0x27e8158536f92f8a + 0x246ba7f09ab6b6a9 + 0xa0eedd0dbd2544cf + 0x1d779fb1bd1310ba + 0x1a1a637ed6b0bff6 + 0x96aa485fca40908e + 0x933e501295d98169 + 0x8fd160dbee83b4e0 + 0x8c59b6d799ae131c + 0x08f6cf70801f2e28 + 0x05963bf0598da483 + 0x023871574e69a459 + 0x8000000005702db3 + 0x8000000000000000)
Warning: the expansion is not complete because of the limited exponent range of double precision.
Warning: rounding occurred while printing.