
fpminimax computes a good polynomial approximation with fixed-point or floating-point coefficients

Library names:

sollya_obj_t sollya_lib_fpminimax(sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t,                                   sollya_obj_t, ...) sollya_obj_t sollya_lib_v_fpminimax(sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t,                                     sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t, va_list)


fpminimax(f, n, formats, range, indic1, indic2, indic3, P) : (function, integer, list, range, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, function) -> function fpminimax(f, monomials, formats, range, indic1, indic2, indic3, P) : (function, list, list, range, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, function) -> function fpminimax(f, n, formats, L, indic1, indic2, indic3, P) : (function, integer, list, list, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, function) -> function fpminimax(f, monomials, formats, L, indic1, indic2, indic3, P) : (function, list, list, list, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, function) -> function fpminimax(f, n, formats, range, indic1, indic2, indic3, Lcoeffs) : (function, integer, list, range, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, list) -> function fpminimax(f, monomials, formats, range, indic1, indic2, indic3, Lcoeffs) : (function, list, list, range, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, list) -> function fpminimax(f, n, formats, L, indic1, indic2, indic3, Lcoeffs) : (function, integer, list, list, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, list) -> function fpminimax(f, monomials, formats, L, indic1, indic2, indic3, Lcoeffs) : (function, list, list, list, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, absolute|relative | fixed|floating | function, list) -> function



Example 1:

   > P = fpminimax(cos(x),6,[|DD, DD, D...|],[-1b-5;1b-5]);
   > printexpansion(P);
   (0x3ff0000000000000 + 0xbc09fda15e029b00) + x * ((0x3af9eb57163024a8 + 0x37942c2f3f3e3839) + x * (0xbfdfffffffffff98 + x * (0xbbd1693f9c028849 + x * (0x3fa5555555145337 + x * (0x3c7a25f610ad9ebc + x * 0xbf56c138142da5b0)))))

Example 2:

   > P = fpminimax(sin(x),6,[|32...|],[-1b-5;1b-5], fixed, absolute);
   > display = powers!;
   > P;
   x * (1 + x^2 * (-357913941 * 2^(-31) + x^2 * (35789873 * 2^(-32))))

Example 3:

   > P = fpminimax(exp(x), [|3,4|], [|D,24|], [-1/256; 1/246], 1+x+x^2/2);
   > display = powers!;
   > P;
   1 + x * (1 + x * (1 * 2^(-1) + x * (375300225001191 * 2^(-51) + x * (5592621 * 2^(-27)))))

Example 4:

   > print("Weighted approximation: look for p such that (p-f)*w is small");
   Weighted approximation: look for p such that (p-f)*w is small
   > n = 3;
   > f = exp(x);
   > w = sqrt(1-x^2);
   > monomials = [||];
   > for i from 0 to n do { monomials = monomials :. x^i*sqrt(1-x^2); };
   > q = fpminimax(f*w, monomials, [|D...|], [-99/100,99/100],absolute);
   > display = dyadic!;
   > print(q);
   3194834406077049b-54 * x^3 * sqrt(1 - x^2) + 4792048811386295b-53 * x^2 * sqrt(1 - x^2) + 8982938415377717b-53 * x * sqrt(1 - x^2) + 561436817847349b-49 * sqrt(1 - x^2)
   > leadingcoeff = proc(expr) {
       var res;
       match(expr) with
         a*b+c : {res = [|a,c|]; }
         a*b : {res = [|a,0|]; }
         default: {res = error; };
       return res;
   > p = 0;
   > for i from n to 0 by -1 do {
       L = leadingcoeff(q);
       p = p + L[0]*x^i;
       q = L[1];
   > print(p);
   3194834406077049b-54 * x^3 + 4792048811386295b-53 * x^2 + 8982938415377717b-53 * x + 561436817847349b-49 * x^0
   > display=decimal!;
   > dirtyinfnorm((p-f)*w, [-1,1]);
   > r = remez(f*w,n,[-99/100,99/100],w);
   > dirtyinfnorm((r-f)*w, [-1,1]);

Example 5:

   > I = [-1b-20,  1b-22];
   > P0 = fpminimax(exp(x), 4, [|DD,DD,DD,D,SG|], I);
   > P1 = fpminimax(exp(x), 4, [|D,D,D,D,SG|], I, 1+x+x^2/2);
   > for k from 0 to 2 do { DD(coeff(P0,k)) == coeff(P0,k); };
   > for k from 0 to 2 do { DD(coeff(P1,k)) == coeff(P1,k); };
   > dirtyinfnorm(P0/exp(x)-1, I);
   > dirtyinfnorm(P1/exp(x)-1, I);

Example 6:

   > f = cos(exp(x));
   > pstar = remez(f, 5, [-1b-7;1b-7]);
   > listpoints = dirtyfindzeros(f-pstar, [-1b-7; 1b-7]);
   > P1 = fpminimax(f, 5, [|DD...|], listpoints, absolute, default, default, pstar);
   > P2 = fpminimax(f, 5, [|D...|], listpoints, absolute, default, default, pstar);
   > P3 = fpminimax(f, 5, [|D, D, D, 24...|], listpoints, absolute, default, default, pstar);
   > print("Error of pstar: ", dirtyinfnorm(f-pstar, [-1b-7; 1b-7]));
   Error of pstar:  7.9048441259903026332577436001060063099817726177425e-16
   > print("Error of P1:    ", dirtyinfnorm(f-P1, [-1b-7; 1b-7]));
   Error of P1:     7.9048441259903026580081299123420463921479618202064e-16
   > print("Error of P2:    ", dirtyinfnorm(f-P2, [-1b-7; 1b-7]));
   Error of P2:     8.2477144579950871737109573536791331686347620955985e-16
   > print("Error of P3:    ", dirtyinfnorm(f-P3, [-1b-7; 1b-7]));
   Error of P3:     1.08454277156993282593701156841863009789063333951055e-15

Example 7:

   > L = [|exp(x), sin(x), cos(x)-1, sin(x^3)|];
   > g = (2^x-1)/x;
   > p = fpminimax(g, L, [|D...|], [-1/16;1/16],absolute);
   > display = powers!;
   > p;
   -3267884797436153 * 2^(-54) * sin(x^3) + 5247089102535885 * 2^(-53) * (cos(x) - 1) + -8159095033730771 * 2^(-54) * sin(x) + 6243315658446641 * 2^(-53) * exp(x)

Example 8:

   > n = 9;
   > T = [|1, x|];
   > for i from 2 to n do T[i] = canonical(2*x*T[i-1]-T[i-2]);
   > g = (2^x-1)/x;
   > PCheb = fpminimax(g, T, [|DD,DE...|], [-1/16;1/16],absolute);
   > display = dyadic!;
   > print(PCheb);
   112469560253864905423137861008261b-107 + x * (76130818934358736339243350051b-98 + x * (34355379230514621195759363b-89 + x * (381013348011182609334519067b-95 + x * (825307274780189286345649b-89 + x * (3050983523250669954220137b-94 + x * (1180123116639845252291b-86 + x * (6543992088039485657053b-92 + x * (15750497046710770365b-87 + x * 8733930098894247371b-90))))))))

Example 9:

   > d = [46768052394588893382517914646921056628989841b-165;1b-7];
   > n = 4; f = 1; w = sqrt(x)/acos(1-x);
   > p = remez(f, n, d, w);
   > monomials = [||]; Lcoeffs = [||];
   > for i from 0 to n do {
        monomials = monomials :. x^i*sqrt(x);
        Lcoeffs = Lcoeffs :. coeff(p, i);
   > pf = fpminimax(acos(1-x), monomials, [|D...|], d, relative, floating, 0, Lcoeffs);
   > display = dyadic!;
   > print(pf);
   6237591828287231b-61 * x^4 * sqrt(x) + 1137310727877715b-57 * x^3 * sqrt(x) + 7642862123083659b-58 * x^2 * sqrt(x) + 1061508612083747b-53 * x * sqrt(x) + 6369051672525773b-52 * sqrt(x)
See also: remez, dirtyfindzeros, absolute, relative, fixed, floating, default, halfprecision, single, double, doubleextended, doubledouble, quad, tripledouble, implementpoly, coeff, degree, roundcoefficients, guessdegree
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