
suppressmessage suppresses the displaying of messages with a certain number

Library names:

void sollya_lib_suppressmessage(sollya_obj_t, ...); void sollya_lib_v_suppressmessage(sollya_obj_t, va_list);


suppressmessage(msg num 1, ..., msg num n) : (integer, ..., integer) -> void suppressmessage(msg list) : list -> void



Example 1:

   > verbosity = 1;
   The verbosity level has been set to 1.
   > 0.1;
   Warning: Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
   If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
   Warning: For at least 1 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   > suppressmessage(174);
   > 0.1;
   Warning: For at least 1 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   > suppressmessage(407);
   > 0.1;
   Warning: For at least 1 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   > verbosity = 12;
   The verbosity level has been set to 12.
   > showmessagenumbers = on;
   Displaying of message numbers has been activated.
   > diff(exp(x * 0.1));
   Information (196): formally differentiating a function.
   Information (197): differentiating the expression 'exp(x * 0.1)'
   Information (207): no Horner simplification will be performed because the given tree is already in Horner form.
   Warning (478): For at least 1 of the constants previously displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   Warning (478): For at least 2 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   exp(x * 0.1) * 0.1
   > suppressmessage(207, 196);
   > diff(exp(x * 0.1));
   Information (197): differentiating the expression 'exp(x * 0.1)'
   Warning (478): For at least 1 of the constants previously displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   Warning (478): For at least 2 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   exp(x * 0.1) * 0.1
   > unsuppressmessage(174);
   > 0.1;
   Warning (174): Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
   If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
   Warning (478): For at least 1 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.

Example 2:

   > verbosity = 12;
   The verbosity level has been set to 12.
   > showmessagenumbers = on;
   Displaying of message numbers has been activated.
   > diff(exp(x * 0.1));
   Warning (174): Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
   If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
   Information (196): formally differentiating a function.
   Information (197): differentiating the expression 'exp(x * 0.1)'
   Information (207): no Horner simplification will be performed because the given tree is already in Horner form.
   Warning (478): For at least 1 of the constants previously displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   Warning (478): For at least 2 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   exp(x * 0.1) * 0.1
   > suppressmessage([| 174, 207, 196 |]);
   > diff(exp(x * 0.1));
   Information (197): differentiating the expression 'exp(x * 0.1)'
   Warning (478): For at least 1 of the constants previously displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   Warning (478): For at least 2 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   exp(x * 0.1) * 0.1
See also: getsuppressedmessages, suppressmessage, unsuppressmessage, verbosity, roundingwarnings
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