
annotatefunction Annotates a Sollya function object with an approximation that is faster to evaluate

Library names:

sollya_obj_t sollya_lib_annotatefunction(sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t,                                          sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t, ...); sollya_obj_t sollya_lib_v_annotatefunction(sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t,                                            sollya_obj_t, sollya_obj_t,                                            va_list);


annotatefunction(f, g, I, d) : (function, function, range, range) -> function annotatefunction(f, g, I, d, x0) : (function, function, range, range, constant) -> function



Example 1:

   > verbosity=1!;
   > procedure EXP(X,n,p) {
               var res, oldPrec;
               oldPrec = prec;
               prec = p!;
               "Using procedure function exponential with X=" @ X @ ", n=" @ n @ ", and p=" @ p;
               res = exp(X);
               prec = oldPrec!;
               return res;
   > g = function(EXP);
   > p = 46768052394588893382516870161332864698044514954899b-165 + x * (23384026197294446691258465802074096632225783601255b-164 + x * (5846006549323611672948426613035653821819225877423b-163 + x * (3897337699549074448627696490806815137319821946501b-164 + x * (7794675399098148717422744621371434831048848817417b-167 + x * (24942961277114075921122941174178849425809856036737b-171 + x * (8314320425704876115613838900105097456456371179471b-172 + x * (19004160973039701371579356991645932289422670402995b-176 + x * (19004160972669324148912122254449912156003926801563b-179 + x * (33785175062542597526738679493857229456702396042255b-183 + x * (6757035113643674378393625988264926886191860669891b-184 + x * (9828414707511252769908089206114262766633532289937b-188 + x * (26208861108003813314724515233584738706961162212965b-193 + x * (32257064253325954315953742396999456577223350602741b-197 + x * (578429089657689569703509185903214676926704485495b-195 + x * 2467888542176675658523627105540996778984959471957b-201))))))))))))));
   > h = annotatefunction(g, p, [-1/2;1/2], [-475294848522543b-124;475294848522543b-124]);
   > h == g;
   > prec = 24;
   The precision has been set to 24 bits.
   > h(0.25);
   Warning: rounding has happened. The value displayed is a faithful rounding to 24 bits of the true result.
   Warning: For at least 1 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
   > prec = 165;
   The precision has been set to 165 bits.
   > h(0.25);
   Using procedure function exponential with X=[0.25;0.25], n=0, and p=185
   Warning: rounding has happened. The value displayed is a faithful rounding to 165 bits of the true result.
   Warning: For at least 1 of the constants displayed in decimal, rounding has happened.
See also: chebyshevform, taylorform, remez, supnorm, infnorm
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