
display sets or inspects the global variable specifying number notation

Library names:

void sollya_lib_set_display_and_print(sollya_obj_t) void sollya_lib_set_display(sollya_obj_t) sollya_obj_t sollya_lib_get_display()


display = notation value : decimal|binary|dyadic|powers|hexadecimal -> void display = notation value ! : decimal|binary|dyadic|powers|hexadecimal -> void display : decimal|binary|dyadic|powers|hexadecimal



Example 1:

   > display = decimal;
   Display mode is decimal numbers.
   > a = evaluate(sin(pi * x), 0.25);
   > a;
   > display = binary;
   Display mode is binary numbers.
   > a;
   1.01101010000010011110011001100111111100111011110011001001000010001011001011111011000100110110011011101010100101010111110100111110001110101101111011000001011101010001_2 * 2^(-1)
   > display = hexadecimal;
   Display mode is hexadecimal numbers.
   > a;
   > display = dyadic;
   Display mode is dyadic numbers.
   > a;
   > display = powers;
   Display mode is dyadic numbers in integer-power-of-2 notation.
   > a;
   33070006991101558613323983488220944360067107133265 * 2^(-165)
See also: print, write, decimal, dyadic, powers, binary, hexadecimal, prec
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