Example 1:
> verbosity = 1;
The verbosity level has been set to 1.
> 0.1;
Warning: Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
> showmessagenumbers = on;
Displaying of message numbers has been activated.
> 0.1;
Warning (174): Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
> showmessagenumbers;
> showmessagenumbers = off!;
> 0.1;
Warning: Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
Example 2:
> showmessagenumbers = on;
Displaying of message numbers has been activated.
> verbosity = 1;
The verbosity level has been set to 1.
> diff(0.1 * x + 1.5 * x^2);
Warning (174): Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
0.1 + x * 3
> verbosity = 0;
The verbosity level has been set to 0.
> diff(0.1 * x + 1.5 * x^2);
0.1 + x * 3
> verbosity = 12;
The verbosity level has been set to 12.
> diff(0.1 * x + 1.5 * x^2);
Warning (174): Rounding occurred when converting the constant "0.1" to floating-point with 165 bits.
If safe computation is needed, try to increase the precision.
Information (196): formally differentiating a function.
Information (197): differentiating the expression '0.1 * x + 1.5 * x^2'
Information (195): expression '0.1 + 2 * 1.5 * x' has been simplified to expression '0.1 + 3 * x'.
0.1 + x * 3