
restart brings Sollya back to its initial state


restart : void -> void


Example 1:

   > print(exp(x));
   > a = 3;
   > restart;
   The tool has been restarted.
   > print(x);
   > a;
   Warning: the identifier "a" is neither assigned to, nor bound to a library function nor external procedure, nor equal to the current free variable.
   Will interpret "a" as "x".

Example 2:

   > print(exp(x));
   > for i from 1 to 10 do {
   > print(i);
   > if (i == 5) then restart;
   > };
   The tool has been restarted.
   Warning: the tool has been restarted inside a for loop.
   The for loop will no longer be executed.

Example 3:

   > print(exp(x));
   > a = 3;
   > for i from 1 to 10 do {
   > print(i);
   > if (i == 5) then {
   > restart;
   > i = 7;
   > };
   > };
   The tool has been restarted.
   > print(x);
   > a;
   Warning: the identifier "a" is neither assigned to, nor bound to a library function nor external procedure, nor equal to the current free variable.
   Will interpret "a" as "x".
See also: quit, execute
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