
externalplot plots the error of an external code with regard to a function


externalplot(filename, mode, function, range, precision) : (string, absolute|relative, function, range, integer) -> void externalplot(filename, mode, function, range, precision, perturb) : (string, absolute|relative, function, range, integer, perturb) -> void externalplot(filename, mode, function, range, precision, plot mode, result filename) : (string, absolute|relative, function, range, integer, file|postscript|postscriptfile, string) -> void externalplot(filename, mode, function, range, precision, perturb, plot mode, result filename) : (string, absolute|relative, function, range, integer, perturb, file|postscript|postscriptfile, string) -> void


Example 1:

   > bashexecute("gcc -fPIC -c externalplotexample.c");
   > bashexecute("gcc -shared -o externalplotexample externalplotexample.o -lgmp -lmpfr");
   > externalplot("./externalplotexample",relative,exp(x),[-1/2;1/2],12,perturb);
See also: plot, asciiplot, perturb, absolute, relative, file, postscript, postscriptfile, bashexecute, externalproc, library
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